Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Somthing besides cooking

I know, I know, I need to update my blog. We've been doing SO much lately that I'd love to share about...we been to a family reunion, both of our 10 year high school reunions, and did I mention that Garin got his WINGS last Friday?! Lots of exciting things going on right now, but not enough time to sit down and compose a blog on them that will do justice.

We are currently in Cape Cod, looking for our next house that we will make our home for the next 4 years!!!! Pray that we will have the wisdom to make the right decision :)

Hopefully I'll be able to update soon!


WeeWee03 said...

YEA! Good luck with finding a house that you can make a home. Miss you!

Praveen said...

WOW...congratulations to Garin on his accomplishment! Where do you work now Lauren and are you doing work in the chem engineering field? I am working for now as a cashier in Wal-Mart until I find something better in my field. Keep the blog coming. Great sharp pics!