Sunday, February 15, 2009

Go Figure!

I just had to voice my frustration to the world. Since Garin and I have moved from a two income family to a one income family I've tried to start clipping coupons (and actually using them!). Well for the past few Sunday's I've been stopping by the local Walmart to pick up a Sunday paper. So tonight after Bible Study we made a special trip by Walmart to get the weekly paper.

WELL, when I got home and started breaking out the ads and coupons, I discovered that all the manufacturer's coupon booklets were missing. Yeah, so I guess someone walked into Walmart, picked up a paper shopped around as they also "shopped" for the coupon booklets inside the newspaper, then returned the paper back to the stand and walked out with coupons in hand. I mean really people, the newspaper costs ONE DOLLAR! I guess if you are willing to clip coupons to save a buck, you are willing to steal the coupons for a buck as well! GRRRR!

UPDATE: Huge thanks to Christina Gainor, who informed me that they didn't put ANY manufacturer's coupons in the paper this week (what in the world is up with that? We are in an economic crisis, we NEED them coupons people!!!). So yeah, now I feel pretty silly...but man, I was riled up last night! I was about to get in the car and take the paper back to Walmart! Glad I didn't, then I would have felt really really silly then! Thanks again Christina :)


Christina said...

I just had to comment and tell you that there were no inserts in this weeks paper. So now you don't have to be frustrated that someone stole them...just frustrated that you bought a paper for nothing! That was our frustration this week...I read online there were no inserts, but Jacob stopped to buy a paper after church before I could tell him!

Anyways - I enjoy reading your blog!
Christina Gainor

Lauren said...

HAHAHA!! Thanks Christina!! Man, now I feel like a dork. Leave it to me to assume the worst out of society :) Well at least I don't feel jipped now! THANKS!!! :)

Mandy said...

haha! This all makes me laugh because I did the same thing. We are going to a one person income in a few months so I have been trying to get into the habit of clipping more coupons and using them. Well we bought a paper after our church service on Sunday and I got home and was real annoyed there were no inserts. I went and told Daniel - "somebody stole them and we paid 1.50 for the paper". I also later that day found out that there were no coupons for some reason on Sunday. So I felt a little better and didn't feel people could be that rude. But still annoyed by the fact that we even bought a paper. I am glad I wasn't the only one! :)