Thursday, February 12, 2009

In Memory of Judy Carolyn Griffin Killough (1/14/48-2/12/06)

Today marks the 3 year anniversary of my mother's death. I can't believe it has been that long. That painful day (and year leading up to it) is still so fresh in my memory. Although it is true that time heals, there will never be enough time to cause me to forget.

So here's to you mom. I'm so thankful to have been your daughter, you blessed my life in so many amazing ways. I am who I am because of your love, care, understanding, wisdom and example of a godly woman. I can only pray that I will be the mom to my children that you were to me. Thanks for giving of yourself and your career to enrich my life and provide me with everything I could have needed or wanted. I will NEVER EVER EVER forget you.


Wolfgers said...

Praise the Lord for how He blessed you with her!