Thursday, November 6, 2008

13 weeks down, 1 month to go!

Well, just to keep with tradition, I thought I'd write a new post to update the countdown. It really is only 3 weeks (that's 21 days!!) until I fly up to see Garin for Thanksgiving!!! I can hardly wait. It almost seems like these last weeks are going to drag by. I think before I was just trying not to think about it, but now its hard not to think about it and the anticipation is slowing the days down!

Well Garin is doing well. No big or interesting news to report. Well, this might be interesting, we think our report date will be January 5th, so that means we get to spend Christmas here in the Carolinas before we head down to Pcola.

As for me, I'm still trying to finish up this last little bit of school. After next week I will only have one paper and then my two finals left. Then I'm done...DONE FOR GOOD!!!! (well until I decide on the next degree I want to get) WAHOOO! (I'm really not sure what I'm going to do with myself!).

Hope everyone else is doing well!! Have a great day!