Saturday, December 20, 2008

UNCC's newest MBA graduate

That's I FINALLY graduated with my MBA degree from UNC-Charlotte (yes, I'm probably one of the youngest looking MBA graduates ever...I was just looking through the pictures and thinking about how teenagerish I day I'll grow up!). After 2.5 years of homework, reading, and writing papers, I'm not sure how I'm gonna handle my freedom. Whew, I can't believe it is over...sometimes it seems like it was yesterday when I started and then other days it seems like I've been doing this for the past 10 years. Either way, I'm glad its over. Now I'm just trying to figure out what degree I want to go after next ;) hehe.

Thanks to Garin for all of his understanding and love through this whole ordeal. He had to spend a couple evenings alone each week throughout the years and had to deal with a stressed, crazed, anal retentive wife. Thanks for your patience and support sweetie!