Sunday, July 18, 2010

Way Behind

Well I have quite a few posts to catch up on. I had them all planned out and everything...I just lacked the execution! So I'll try to be a little more diligent in posting.

As for Garin and I, everything is going well. Garin is rolling right along in his Helo training. He left for a cross country this weekend. He was supposed to go to Louisville, KY, but got stuck in Nashville, TN due to weather. During the summer my work is doing an "abbreviated" work week. So I am working longer days M-Th and get Fridays off. At first I wasn't sure I was going to like it, but I must admit, that Friday off is TOTALLY worth the longer days! We'll go back to a regular work week in August though :(

Okay, well now on to my post updates...