Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Playing Catch Up...Christmas

Well, I finally found the cord to get the pictures off of my camera and onto the computer. I also found a notebook I was missing while looking forward the cord...bonus! I'm still missing a couple of other various housing items. All the boxes are unpacked...I think those items will be a lost cause (although I'm really missing the remote to the TV in our bedroom...no sleep timer!!).

Well just wanted to do a run down of our past month. First of all is Christmas. We had a wonderful Christmas with both of our families. We ate breakfast and lunch with my family and then headed over to the Kirkpatrick's for some skeet shooting and dinner. It was so nice to have all of our family close by to us before we headed off to the wild blue yonder. I got some pictures of us opening presents at my sister's house, but I guess I forgot to take pictures at Garin's parents :(

Christmas at Mary Winn and Alex's

Daddy's BIG girls :) - Lauren, Dad, Mary Winn (she's pregnant)

I guess Garin was more excited about Christmas than I was...