Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Recent Happenings

Well, I guess I should catch everyone up on what's been going on down in Florida. So, here are some pictures and random updates:

We are now officially Floridians. Why? Might you ask did we we decide to change our residence from our beloved home state of North Carolina to sunny southern Florida? Well, three words: No State Tax. That's right, Florida is one of those great states where they don't charge state tax but stick it to you on property tax...but since we are renting and not purchasing, we get the best of both worlds! Also, since we are military, we can carry this residency with us wherever we go and in effect never have to pay state taxes. One of the few perks of being Active Duty.
New Florida Tags on my Jeep

This past weekend we had our first "party" at our house with some of Garin's friends from OCS. I forgot to take a picture when everyone was there so here is one after everyone left and after we started cleaning up. We had a Mexican themed party so we did a taco/burrito bar. Yummy! Oh and the random picture of the bowl with onions and peppers in it, is a picture of what Garin calls "The bowl of leadership". Garin won this bowl at OCS for getting the leadership award. It actually has his name and the award and such engraved on it, but I couldn't get it to show in the picture. Garin thought it was funny that I actually used it to serve with...I don't think anyone noticed...gotta put that thing to some good use, right ;)

The "Bowl of Leadership"

And finally, this past Sunday Garin and I took a night out on the town and went to a Brad Paisley concert in Pensacola. Garin is a pretty big Brad fan, so I got him the tickets for his birthday. I was pretty late in the game on getting tickets, so they weren't the best in the world, but they weren't too shabby either. We were on the front row of the top section, so we didn't have to stand up the entire time and got to enjoy the show.

I wore my super cool cowgirl hat that my dad got me...I fit right in with all the country folk ;) Garin sported his feather vest, that looked kinda country too.

The Paisley

Oh yeah, and one other random event: My car hit 100,000 miles yesterday. Fortunately I had the camera in the car to capture the moment :)


Meghan said...

Ya'll are so cute! I miss you and am coming to visit soon!...watch out!