Saturday, January 3, 2009

We're Here!!

Well just a quick post to let you know that we have arrived safe and sound. We were able to move in on New Years Eve (we were so exhausted that we went to bed at 10:30PM and didn't even make it to the ball drop!). So the past couple of days have consisted of moving boxes around and organizing. I think we have things settled for the most part. I still need to do some office reorganization and then hanging pictures and such. We also are in need of some living room furniture (coffee and end tables) as well as some bar stools. So I guess I'll be out and about over the next couple of weeks trying to complete our house. Today I'm feeling pretty crummy...I think I have a stomach bug. So today I will just lay on the couch and rest and hope the cable guy comes soon so I can have some TV to watch.

One of these days I'll get some pictures on here. I just don't feel like getting off the couch to get the camera and then finding the cord right now.


Oh and for those of you that want our updated address, you'll have to email me to get it. I would post it on here, but since this is a public blog I'm not sure what crazos will happen to read it. I'll be happy to give it out to you normal people if you just email me at

Okay, Peace for real now.